Veteran-Owned / Veterans Re-Entry Training

World Class Training
for our Veterans

Preparing veterans for today's workforce,
with in-demand skills and disciplines to maximize job readiness.

We are


We provide a unique world-class learning environment for veterans transitioning back to the civilian world. We train modern workforce development techniques and skills while partnering with leaders in the business community to ensure we help America's heroes become the obvious choice for employment.




While completing your education with VRT, you'll have access to training professionals who will guide you through courses and coach you through the process of entering the job market. In addition to group training and open tutoring sessions, our participants bring a sense of camaraderie with them from the military, creating a truly unique learning experience.

VRT Headquarters
VRT Headquarters
Sacramento, CA
Downtown Sacramento
Downtown Sacramento
Location of VRT

What is VRT?

“After years serving in the military and over a decade in the corporate training world, I found myself needing to comp­lete my education and forge a new career path. Not impressed with the options I found, I leveraged key resour­ces from top industry leaders to provide a high-quality training environ­ment that meets the unique needs of our veterans.”

H. Bennett
Chief Training Officer, Founder - VRT,
U.S. Army Veteran

While we are in the military, we become subject matter experts in our respective fields, yet all too often when we get out, we are challeng­ed with being told we only qualify for “entry-level” jobs. We are told we don’t have the appropriate certifications or education to transfer to the civilian world.

That’s why we created Veterans Re-entry Training. Leveraging our staff's collective professional training, vast information technology experience, as well as our extensive Business acumen for both the Corporate and Federal environments, allows us to offer world-class training programs for our Veterans.

VRT partners with key business community leaders and hiring managers, to identify the key competencies hiring managers are looking for in their candidates.

Student Testimonials

"The training VRT offers is very inspirational, energizing, brings lots of ideas and combines substantial in-depth knowledge with case studies, learning from experience and a focus on practice. The team at VRT is able to take complex Information Technology training, which can be extremely complex and a little unnerving at points, and break it down so almost anybody can understand it. Having this well-balanced composition of participants contributed to interesting and focused discussions and exchanges."

Charles W.
U.S. Air Force

Enroll Today

Transitioning from military service to civilian employment can be a challeng­ing process, full of uncertainty. VRT will help you gain the skills necessary to begin a new career, plot a transition plan, translate your experience, network with employers, and excel in your transition. Contact us today to get started!

Contact Us